OK, I couldn't stand it anymore. I've started my 2011 garden.
I've already been working the soil - removing old roots, cleaning up a bit. This afternoon was misty, in the 50s, the kind of weather I assume seedlings would love. I picked up four bags of garden soil from Lowe's. The soil level in the raised beds seemed too shallow, so I raised the level about six inches.
I also put a package (ten pips) of lily of the valley around the patio. The peonies are swelling, so hopefully they survived the move and will do well this spring.
My Whiteley iris are also doing well out front, on the south side of the house. They look very green and healthy. I've spotted three or four buds already, so they should be in full bloom by April 1. These are descendants of iris we dug up at our Whiteley homestead in Pope County, Arkansas, over 20 years ago. I've dragged them around wherever I went, and given them out to relatives. Last year I dug up Mom and Dad's iris bed and gave them to the City of Edmond to plant. I'll look for them and see how they're doing this year. Since their heirlooms and not hybrids, they bloom earlier than modern hybrids - it's not unusual for them to be in full bloom by April 1. Since that's the day my mother passed away three years ago, it seems a fitting tribute to her. She always enjoyed them - she was there when we dug them up in the first place, so she knew exactly where they came from.
Here's hoping for spring!